High Quality Solutions
Focused on Specific Client Problems
Technological Innovation and Execution Experience are the basis of our Services
Acid and non-acid Stimulations
- Conventional Acid Systems
- Emulsified Acid Systems
- Delayed Systems
- Self-Divergent Systems
- Solvent Systems
- Foam Reactive and Non-Reactive Systems for Low Pressure Reservoirs
- HT Systems
Well Cementing Services
- Casing Cementing (Surface, Intermediate and Exploitation)
- Squeeze Jobs (Casing Ruptures, Old Producing Intervals for Abandonment)
- Abandonment Plugs
Laboratory Services
Our laboratory, certified by the Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación (Q-1255-200/20 & C-1269-245/20), is an essential part in the preparation of our well stimulation and cementation well services.
Well Cementing
- Determination of Density in Grouts
- Cement Slurry Adjustment for Low / High Temperature
- Cement Quality Control
- Compatibility tests between sludge and drilling mud
- Determination of Compressive Strength (Non Destructive Method – UCA)
- Pumping Time Determination (Pressurized Consistometer)
Well Stimulation
- Determination of Water and Sediments in Oil Samples
- Physical Analysis of an Oil Sample
- Compatibility Testing with Oil and Systems
- Solubility Tests
- Absorbance Tests
- Dispersion Tests
- Quality Control of Foamed Systems
- Corrosion Testing